Christmas Spirit!

Spreading Christmas cheer

The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear - Buddy the Elf

This is going to sound crazy, but it has been my lifelong dream to start singing a Christmas carol in public and for dozens of strangers to join in. Well my dream has become a reality in Thailand. I told my students what caroling is and they were horrified to find our that we would be going caroling later that class. I started to get them in the Christmas spirit with a listening activity in which I played various Christmas songs and students had to listen and fill in the missing lyrics. As they became familiar with the songs throughout class, they began to sing the songs louder and louder. Soon they had almost as much Christmas spirit as me! We walked around school singing Christmas carols and it was amazing. We spread some Christmas cheer, that's for damn sure. 

FYI I only took videos with my first three classes I took caroling. By the end of the week I had too much Christmas Spirit to take even stop and take a video! I wish I captured the happiness and excitement during those classes but I hope you'll trust me when I say they were hugely successful. 

This is v important.

This is v important.

My first group of carolers! 

My first group of carolers! 

Video: Spreading Christmas Cheer in Pua

Hannah ChmuraComment